The Hetmer's

This is a blog to share with all our friends and family. We will soon be new parents and would like to share this experience with everyone that is dear to us. Please be patient because it is a work in progress for me. My husband has a blog as well and so I thought I would give it a shot. This way there is a woman's view on our journey together as new parents. Can't wait to share this with you all. Love- Lou

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Our Home Sweet Home
I never realized that building a new home would be such a headache. Do not get me wrong it was rewarding but a lot of work. Well I cannot take the credit. My husband did almost all the work. If you know me I am a terrible decision maker and I guess that is why God placed me with Christopher. Otherwise our house would still not be finished because I cannot make a decision. Is it normal to be so bad at making a decision? I do not know when I got this way. When I was younger I could make a decision with no problem but now I think too much. Well enough about me. I just wanted to share with everyone how much God has blessed me and my family. We have this new beautiful home and we hope to live here forever. We are not big on change and would like for our children to stay in one spot for the rest of their lives. My parents did that with us and we love going home to my parents and having so many memories. I know that I am rambling but I can't tell you how awesome it is to have a house that you know you want to be in forever. Before now I never wanted to go home because I hated our old house but now I never want to leave home. Also all our money is in this house so we can't do anything but sit at home. (Just kidding Christopher) Thank you Christopher for giving me this dream home!


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